During the last two weeks of March, Necils and I worked on a site presentation model requested by Maria Alonso, the director of the garden for the 5th anniversary of the garden. The event was a huge success, with 9 hours of dance, booths, talks and more than 900 attendees. It warmed our hearts that kids engaged with the model and role played around it while community members pointed out their plots of land within the community garden.
The week before, I met with Fausto, and he had a few suggestions for the plans. We also collected our old grading plan from him and the redlines for the amphitheater set. The task is now for Fausto to organize a meeting with the planning and building department.
Clare Haas Claveau from Engineers Without Borders has been persistently looking for volunteers for the engineering portion of the redesign of the shade structure. Currently, we are discussing the scope of work with Mike Dadik, a structural engineer with a many years of experience. In other news, I (Kirill) passed the first division/test of the Architect Registration Examination on April 16th.